Kabsah Hayliah

Kabsah Hayliah

Riyadh Naseem, Saad bin Abi Waqqas

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ذا شفز

Chicken Hawiya Kabsa

Chicken Hail - added piracy, zucchini, 48 riyals 980 calories
Half a hallway chicken with a pirate and zucchini and knocked 26 riyals 980 calories
A quarter of a hallway chicken with a pirate and zucchini and knock 16 riyals
Chicken determination is 47 riyals 900 calories
Half a chicken is determined 24 riyals 900 calories
A quarter of chicken determination 14 riyals 900 calories

Hawiyeh meat

Hawiyeh Kabsa Hashi with a pirate and zucchini and knock 69 riyals 1100 calories
Hawiyeh Kabsa meat with a pirate and zucchini and knocked 89 riyals 1200 calories


A full hallway meal with a profit of a chicken pill, a grie, a bamamam, and a green salad 26 riyals 980 calories
A full meal is determined 24 riyals 990 calories


Kiba 18 riyals 288 calories
Red grish 15 riyals 355 calories
I wish my solutions 15 riyals 310 calories
Cabbed cabbage 14 riyals 300 calories
Marquq 15 riyals 345 calories
Pirate 14 riyals 220 calories

the authorities

Hot Sala 2 riyals 15 calories
Yogurt 2 riyals 60 calories
Cucumber salad with milk 9 riyals 70 calories
Green salad 9 riyals 30 calories
Popular authority 8 riyals 60 calories


Blow broth 12 riyals 130 calories
Molokhia 12 riyals 250 calories
Glue pumpkin 10 riyals 110 calories
Driver broth is 10 riyals 130 calories


Knifa cream 10 riyals 540 calories
Caramel cream 8 riyals 280 calories
Hoster 20 riyals 455 calories


Cooking a sacrifice on three plates 350 riyals
Cooking a sacrifice on two plates 300 riyals
Cooking a sacrifice on a plate of 250 riyals

Carefields and heaters

Al -Halley Al -Halley is a small portfolio 125.00 SAR
Al -Halley Al -Halley is a large portfolio of 200.00 SAR
Marskuki small portfolio 150.00 SAR
Marskuki large portfolio 250.00 SAR
Cabbed a small preservative 100.00 SAR
Cabbed large preservative 200.00 SAR.
Large hacker pirate 200.00 SAR
Red Grish, a small portfolio of 150.00 SAR
Red Grish, a large portfolio of 250.00 SAR
Kiba, a small portfolio of 150.00 SAR.
Kebiba Hallai is a large portfolio of 300.00 SAR.
Little piracy is a small portfolio 125.00 SAR.

hot drinks

Lupine mint hail 10.00 SAR
Lupine coffee and large tea 35.00 SAR
Small coffee lupine 15.00 SAR
Lupine mint Hail 15.00 SAR
Coffee lupine and mint Hail large 35.00 SAR
Lupine coffee and small tea 25.00 SAR
Coffee lupine and mint small hail 25.00 SAR
Small tea lupine 10.00 SAR
Big tea 15.00 SAR
Large coffee 20.00 SAR

Cold drinks

مشروب غازي 4 ريال
Water wells 1 riyals
Paid milk 2 riyals 60 calories
Village milk 4 riyals 60 calories

صحون القصدير

حبتين دجاج 6 ريال
حبتين ونصف وأكثر 13 ريال
حبة دجاج 5 ريال
نصف حبة 3 ريال


صرار حائل 2 ريال
نعناع حائل 10 ريال
كركم 15ريال
ليمون أسود ذرور 15ريال
بهارات مشكلة 15ريال
فلفل احمر صرار حائل 15ريال

تنويه قد تختلف الاسعار في القائمة الخاصة بالمطعم عن اسعار تطبيقات التوصيل

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